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At Pine Hills International School, we don't just teach the curriculum; we prepare our students for the future. We don't just teach the facts and statistics; rather, we emphasize the cultivation of higher-order cognitive abilities like analysis, synthesis, and flexibility.

We want to motivate as well as educate. We foster development across the four pillars of intelligence to ignite a love of learning that lasts a lifetime. We are more than just educators, we are the inspiration

We place greater value on the development of future leaders, innovators, and change-makers than on the accomplishment of certain objectives We are constructing more than a school here at Pine Hills; we are constructing the future.

We ae in the business of Human Potential.
Early Years Curriculum

1. Holistic Development: Preschool programs should focus on the whole child—physical, social, emotional, cognitive, and creative development. This approach ensures a balanced growth and development.

2. Play-Based Learning: Play is the primary way children explore the world and learn new concepts. A good preschool should promote play-based learning that encourages creativity, problem-solving, and exploration.

3. Parental Involvement: A strong preschool will encourage and facilitate parental involvement. This can range from regular communication about a child's progress to opportunities for parents to participate in classroom activities.

4. Learning Environment: The physical environment of a preschool should be engaging, stimulating, and well-organized. It should offer a variety of materials and spaces that promote learning, play, and exploration.

5. Emotional Resilience and Self-Regulation: A quality preschool program should help children develop emotional resilience and the ability to regulate their own emotions. This includes skills like managing frustration, calming down after excitement, and adjusting to changes in routine or expectations.

6. Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills: Even at a young age, children can begin to develop the foundations of critical thinking and problem-solving. This could be measured by a child's ability to ask questions, explore different solutions to a problem, or make predictions and observations about their environment.

7. Independence and Self-Care Skills: Preschool is a crucial time for children to develop independence and learn basic self-care skills. This includes things like washing hands, cleaning up toys, dressing themselves, and other age-appropriate tasks. Developing these skills not only promotes independence but also helps children build self-confidence and self-esteem.

Areas of Development
Physical Development This includes both fine motor skills (like using utensils or drawing) and gross motor skills (like running and jumping).
Cognitive Development This includes the development of memory, problem-solving abilities, and understanding of the world.
Language and Literacy Development Preschoolers learn to express themselves verbally, understand others, and begin to recognize and write letters and words.
Social and Emotional Development This area involves learning to interact with others, understanding and expressing emotions, and developing empathy.
Moral and Ethical Development Even at this young age, children start to develop a sense of right and wrong, fairness, and justice.

Primary School

"How do we shape the minds of tomorrow? At Pine Hills, we understand that primary school is a transformative time when children start to form their own views about themselves and the world. To guide this critical phase, we've curated a world-class curriculum that goes beyond traditional boundaries"
Pillar Description
Holistic Growth Our curriculum is designed to foster the overall development of our students. We focus not just on academic prowess, but also on social, emotional, and physical growth.
Knowledge Foundation We provide a strong base in core subjects like math, science, and language arts. This foundational knowledge is essential for students' future academic pursuits and success.
Critical Thinking Our students are encouraged to think critically and solve problems creatively. These skills equip them to navigate complex situations and make informed decisions.
Fostering Curiosity and Creativity We stimulate students' natural curiosity and creativity, making learning an engaging and enjoyable process. This approach fosters a lifelong love for learning.
Character Development We integrate values and ethics into our lessons, shaping our students into responsible and compassionate citizens, ready to make a positive difference in the world.

Secondary School

"Pine Hills didn't just prepare my daughter for the rigor of life and university, it sculpted her into more than just a high achiever. It infused her with a sense of mission, a purpose that goes beyond success. This is the true value of education"
  Key Stage 3 Key Stage 4
English ✔️ ✔️
Maths ✔️ ✔️
Biology ✔️ ✔️
Physics ✔️ ✔️
Chemistry ✔️ ✔️
Commerce ✔️  
Humanities ✔️  
ICT ✔️  
Arts (Music, Visual Arts, Performing Arts) ✔️  
Physical Education (PE) ✔️ ✔️
Languages (Chinese/French & Bahasa Malaysia) ✔️  
PSHE ✔️  
Combined Science   ✔️
Business Studies   ✔️
Accounting   ✔️
Economics   ✔️
Additional Math   ✔️
Arts & Design   ✔️
Design & Technology   ✔️
Music   ✔️
Drama   ✔️
Malay Language   ✔️

At Pine Hills, we are deeply committed to creating an environment that doesn't just challenge our students academically, but also prepares them for the journey of life. From years 7 to 9, we focus on providing a conceptual, knowledge-rich curriculum that equips students with the skills and understanding they need as they progress.

As they step into years 10 and 11, our students transition into the IGCSE program. This pathway is carefully designed to provide a balance of academic rigor and breadth, ensuring students can both deepen their knowledge and explore their passions. As they near the end of their time with us, they're not just ready for the A Levels - they're ready to take on the world.